Last gen owners sleeping well
Car wash did this to my trunk badge, anyone ever replaced one of these before?
Iedereen vindt Tosti maar een stomme naam voor een kat en ik wil bewijzen dat het erger kan! DUS! Wat is de stomste kattennaam die je al voorbij hebt zien komen?
if skong drops tomorrow, i will donate 1000 USD to every one in this post like i swear to God i will not even joking just drop the damn game already
if skong drops tomorrow, i will donate 1 penny for each upvote on this post to r/skong's charity of choice
Doesnt faceit know how their ranking works?
If Silksong is announced before February, I'll giveaway one copy of thr game for each 1k up upvotes this post gets
I am genuinly confused what car this is
just got this beauty on the right, which one you playing?
Today, my childhood dream had been achieved and I couldn't be happier
Decided to “heal” my “inner child” and bought my first 3DS!
Parking spaces 'too narrow for modern vehicles'
IPS or TN?
If silksong comes out, I will buy it for everyone that comments
If Silksong comes out in 2026, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
Sneak Peek #2: New Defense, New Troop, New Spell and a New Building!
2 cars, which one you take ?
NVIDIA GPU Owners, Do You Actually Use Ray Tracing?
My 9-5 SE soon to be Aero
Saw these 'bebakeningsschilden' in Franeker
To buy or not to buy a Saab
So people are doing this now when going AFK
Hoevaak controleren jullie het oliepeil van jullie auto?
Over de Toeren: Deel je Kilometerteller