Physician wants to this stack Safe & Smart for an upcoming exam?
Peptide stack for quick fat loss?
White lumps under skin (shoulder/back) What is it? How do i treat it
On ADHD meds, memory issue, advice for supplements or cognitive boosters to stack
A doctor asked me how to preserve and/or enhance cognition. Here's what I answered
Quick question: When i read unless its super interesting, my mind goes else where, thinking about other things, listening to other things in the background
Zinc makes me wonna write long articles
On concerta: looking to stack with something for increase cognitive/ memory. Read and read nothing sticks.
Concerta: hair thinning? been on concerta for 2-3 months and I feel like my hair is thinning, I have fine hair but now it feels super thin, have not noticed any shedding yet..
Någon som vet vad dessa ljusa märken på träet är? (Se botten och v-sida)
Conecerta, I feel dehydrated, dry mouth (drink alot, take electrolytes. Also almost feel like my brain isnt as fast and sometimes have harder time listening than off the meds? (newly diagnosed)
Någon som vet vart man kan få tag på en ny laddsladd till denna rakapparat?
Best hotels? Looking for something authentic and not too big and commercial. Ref: Cervinia Hermitage hotel
Peptide for brain? Memory focus.. also best skin peptide?
Using tret 0,025 gel/ what else should i look into?
Zermatt or lech? Whats more memorable :) or any other place?
Peptide source eu? Looking for bpc 157 and nad + other
Best Peptide Vendors?
Suggestions: Where should we go and ski? Really like the slopes in cervinia
Hjälp! Är detta mögel? Stått hundskål där! Ytbehandlingen har lossnat och är brunt och lite sprucket. Känner ingen lukt, är dock lite svarta prickar längs väggen under köksbyrån.. kan vara smuts inte tvättat
Having problems taking in information, memory, brain fog. Want to feel sharp like i used to. Supplement?
How to increase free T?
Beard color change at What dose?
Are we witnessing overhyped markets, or are we seeing new global giants beginning their journey to greatness?