When do I go LT vs going Grasp?
Newer player, How do I play Renekton in these different situations?
How to know if its a false alarm or not?
Newer to game, need a champ pool of 2 and can't make up my mind on what 2 I wanna focus on first. Letting reddit decide my fate since I can't seem to make my own decision. Top 2 most voted are my new mains for the foreseeable future!
Easy-ish champs with a lot of skill expression?
When is the best time to reset in top lane when you fet priority on the wave?
Ears sore after stretching. Waited 2 years in-between stretches.
What is your interrupt bound to?
Alt + any number not working
Question about having a dog when you wake up late for work.
Ni som röstar SD, anser ni själva att partiet är nazistiskt/fascistiskt?
How do you treat you instagram. Pure Buisness or more of a personal brand?
[Seriös] Hur fan klarar man sig ekonomiskt med psykisk ohälsa?
Vilken mat-relaterad kulle är ni beredda att dö på?
Have you ever payed for social media ads? Was it worth it?
Taking the Tank Plunge
[Seriös] Ni som är eller har börjat bli tunnhåriga, hur hanterar ni det?
Starting mirtazapine(remeron) and panicking
Is there any revolutionary stance regarding tattoos?
I understand alcoholics and drug addicts. Life is bleak in capitalist western society.
Köpte nästan 2 år gammal olivolja på Coop idag
Iran, Ryssland, Qatar, Israel och Palestina är alla lika skyldiga för skiten få får se. Vidrigt det som sker.
Vad gör er partner som retar gallfeber på er?
What’s the biggest example of from “genius” to “idiot” has there ever been?
Vi är inte som dem