I found this image on the Backyard Baseball Wikipedia article. Do you agree with Wikipedia’s choice of players on the team as shown below? Any changes you want to make? Players you want to add or subtract to fill in the list?
Remember when Chicago Bears QB Cade McNown was a NFL quarterback that was playable in Backyard Football 2002? Sad to see that what it says on the bio did not age well for his career.
How can I download Backyard Football 2002 on my PC?
Meanwhile, behind the scenes at Pokemon HQ…
Every fan since the ship became a thing on whatever day it was be like:
I mean, we gotta have a France reference somewhere, because Kalos and Amour. Happy travels!
If Ash and Serena had traveled together for another season, how might their relationship have progressed?
What does Serena mean to Ash?
(REPOST DUE TO HORRIBLE IMAGE QUALITY ON THE ORIGINAL AND NOW DELETED POST!) If we were to get a little Amour story that took place before XY (when Ash and Serena were attending Professor Oak's Pokemon summer camp), and besides the whole Poliwag incident, what do you think might've happened?
XY&Z Gang (Art by Azumarill_123)
For Once, let's take thing easy and smile
Should the Kelce brothers be in Backyard Football in honor of their efforts to revive the Backyard Sports franchise?
If you made an original love song or a parody of that said song of that genre for an AmourShipping anything, what would it be like?
I refuse to accept the reality of it all.
Considering that SatoSere is supposed to be Satoshi/Ash and Serena and that is sounds like stratosphere…
Hit me with your best AmourShipping thing, whatever it may be… 👀👀
Do you think Ash could be a good baseball pitcher.
When you’re tired of giving hints and decide to tell the entire thing, but they still don’t get it at all
I figure I owe this community an apology. This is how ash TRULY feels about Serena, from me to you. We love you!
What do you think they would do if they were to have a sleepover together?
Should I tell her I love her
Should I delay his retirement again?
Looking for a name!
Brock should have found out about this
Yellow Eye