Fuck architecture
Australia Student visa rejected
What does Dostoevsky meant by "Beauty will save the world??"
Men in a nutshell ladies! *Mic drop*
Ladies, is not being able to grow a full beard a dealbreaker?
Guy taking photos of white girls sitting in front of him on Air India flight
Where do we draw the line?
Why most guys assume a girl already has a bf?
Female INFJ’s in a relationship
Ladies who are with non-Indian partners
Savana serves good dresses sometimes!
Women, do you sometimes hold your boobs randomly for comfort?
Are clef chins in women considered unattractive?
A desire path comic by Chaz Hutton
MyMuse- Pulse or Palm?? Help!!
ahhh life after a break up sucksss :(( (rant)
INFJ’s that fell in love with the right one
Ladies, how do you pamper yourself?
Can you introduce me to just one author who has fascinated you as much as Dostoevsky has?
Ladies who are into fresh floral fragrances. What is your fav perfume that also lasts long?
What physical feature/action brings out the primal instinct in you?
New and simple: highly accurate MBTI test
crime and punishment or the brothers Karamazov?
How much time did it take you to finish The Brothers Karamazov
Whats the first Dostoevsky book u read?