Why cerberus' combo is still unreliable
Finally reached diamond need advice on how to reach gm
Chat the Hellfire Gala skins might be coming soon 😈
How Exactly Does MVP Work?
What is the point of QP anymore?
New hotfix with performance improvements
I really hope that this turns out to be correct!
S1 Second half Patch-note
No mid season rank reset
we did it do you guys agree??
Patch 25.S1.3 Notes
As a support, how am I meant to deal with this TERRORIST?
As a strategist main about rocket
I know we already have a Loki TV Series skin, but I would love this skin as well
why the ping in this game so terrible ?
There is more than enough time to collect everything in the Battlepass with daily average chrono crystals of 240. Here is a breakdown
100+ hours in and I only noticed that in Yggsgard the map cycles to a night setting when the attackers get to the 2nd point.
Moonknight Ult needs a nerf, right?
Grading broken in Swiftplay?
For the Hex addicts out there. The numbers are the chemistry gained.
Chrono Tokens time gated
Is 2 of each role the only viable team-comp?
Does anyone else feel like the rank reset demotion is too large.
A fixed amount of earnable Chrono Tokens per day is BS