Continuous dungeon in Goblin map is sht (unpopular opinion)
Shield Bash/Slam brothers please come teach me everything you know!
Should false reports be bannable offence or not?
Cut throat should prevent dreamwalk
Does Vampirism works with 0 Magical Healing?
Do you wish you could lock in your demigod rank so you can continue to play your main character without risk of losing demigod?
The mobile version of DaD looks more polished and features several exciting and well-crafted cinematics, along with the addition of the Draconid race
Delete gold containers
Ruins Lag is ruining HR for me since patch
I got to Demigod without killing ANYONE - AMA
This game brings out the worst in me and i'm so so sad and sorry about that.
What if they add some incentives to each gearscore bracket to encourage a climb
There is a divide among us.