Fractal Terra with AMD 7900 XT + Ryzen 9 7900x, how to cool it?
Depiction of Reza Shah's prohibition of hijab in the Islamic regime propaganda book, "The Tale of Goharshâd" (Iran, 2022)
Which thumbnail would you more likely click on?
Decorated bosnian soldier posing with his brother
THEY (capitalists) HAVE ABUNDANCE ONLY FOR THE RICH. AND WE STRIVE FOR ABUNDANCE FOR EVERYONE. (About 20 million Americans cannot afford to buy more than one liter of milk per month or consume more than 6 kilograms of meat per year.) USSR 1957
It's painful to watch everything I worked for fade away...
How bad is this from 1/10?
[29 F] What do I need to change to make myself attractive?
What memories of the Austro-Hungarian Empire remain with the Balkan population? What is your opinion of that time? positive, negative?
How would you describe this color shade?
What is my eye color? Blue, Gree, Gray or Hazel?
What is my eye color?
18F. Don’t hold back, destroy my confidence.
25 years ago, Portugal handed over Macau to China marking the end of the Portuguese colonial Empire on Midnight of 20 December 1999 🇨🇳🇲🇴
We need a redesign for Syrian passports. The regime has fallen!
Can anyone sane tell me why all the e-bikes are so small? PICTURE
Countries in the "Western Sphere" according to Harvard's School of International Relations Published 2017
French Woman Cosplaying on Shanghai Streets Taken to Police Station, Told 'No Why
上海。一名来自法国的女子在街头cosplay被警察带到派出所,警察给了她一件新的T恤。她质问警察为什么不可以这么穿,警察告诉她“no why”
NEPAL cheating scandal - Was it really cheating and how can one know?
Should I go MAD and watch my video with my 16 other accounts ?
PISA(average score of math, science and reading) 2022 by countries
RU POV: Russian Lancet hit Ukrainian Leopard 2A6 in the east of Veseloe, Glushkovo/Kursk front.
Current Dutch Travel Advice (Sept ‘24)
UA POV: "80 thousand? That's a lie. The real figure is much lower than what was published. Significantly," Zelensky replied to what the WSJ wrote about Ukrainian casualties recently. - RBC Ukraine
Most realistic and emotional AI film you've seen yet. Prompts used shared in the comments!