How the Varangian Guard was formed.
Churches in Germany redouble their call to vote against the far right
Am I the only one who wants the end of the world to happen because of everything that is going on now?
How should my units brace for the Seven Heroes’ 7-Hit United Attack?
What if the Linke had an even bigger comeback? Germany in 2028.
Let Me Get This Straight:
Why is "FAT" the country tag for the Griffonian Republic?
Did anyone else find that some servers, like the Gamemode Madness and Class Wars servers, disappeared after the update today?
"I've Never Met a Nice South Zebrican!" - An EAW parody (by me) of the Anti-Apartheid song, "I've Never Met a Nice South African!"
New SOV path.
Would the Democrats do well to have a tough guy run for office?
They were running out of ideas by the time they reached "Fructidor"
Naruto Girls [Naruto] Good or bad? Poor writing in perpetuity? Manga and Anime.
Trans soldiers need to go on strike to protest this transphobic policy
The Many Frontiers - A Remastered Outer Solar System
I keep seeing these game ads.
the female cast of Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!
Not hypocritical at all
What a sick joke
Any Equestria at War fans here?
Hey you, we have evil diarchy at home. Why won't you try it?
"Ki-Ki-Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is a Middle Eastern propaganda!!!!"
How credible is this?
I Also Enjoy Demhumanizing People I Don't Like
That Time Star Wars Writer Alan Dean Foster wrote an Episode IX Treatment Because He Hated The Last Jedi So Much
Which three or so classes have the highest reason?