Unexpectedly Inherited 3.1m
Yelled at a colleague today.
Reno Midtown
Tell us about your biggest financial mistake
It’s actually kind of crazy that an 8% withdraw rate still has over a 50% success rate over a 30 year period.
Trying to come up with a solo Vietnam itinerary (~18 days)
First year making > 1M income - but damn it was spent a lot
18% of American households are now millionaires (including home equity)
What is the biggest financial "money pit" people fall into preventing them becoming financially prosperous when they get older?
1M NW HENRY’s, what was the difference maker?
What was the most memorable career advice that you actually applied? (How did it pan out?)
Trouble Retaining NPs
I dont want a house.
We will have to work forever - literally
How did you build your passive income streams?
[IWantOut] 35M USA -> EU
Citizenship by descent question