NECA Curse of Michael Myers!!
Final Destination Ranking
How often has anyone used Text Chat in-game. Has it made a difference in gameplay?
How would you rank these four Robert Eggers films?
Dude wtf is this. We finally get a normal and casual looking cosmetic and they add a random floating strap on the back for no reason. This wasn’t even part of the mobile cosmetic that this was inspired by. Just remove the damn strap.
What are your Hot Takes on the JW Movies?
If you could host a Kill Count, what would you want to cover?
What are your Top 5 Favorite Vampire Movies of All Time?
Whats your favorite thing about Zoran's Kill Counts? For me it's...
Just curious, how many of you are insane enough to genuinely believe Michael wasn't supposed to be supernatural in the original?
What’s your thoughts on the Scream franchise? How do you rank the films? Also, is Scream 7 a film you’re highly anticipated for?
What's your favorite Valentine Slasher ?
New Skins In-Game Renders
Actor from Chapter 2
What's a beginner mistake that when you look back to it makes you laugh?
Where would you put the Scream Movies
What is your wishlist for Jedi: III?
Most of the survivor cosmetics are a mess of overly designed outdated outfits.
Why no tier 200 reward:’(
Jason Takes Manhattan is the #1 Friday film deserving of a remake
Victim Face Mask Skins For Leatherface
Top 5 favorite Texas chainsaw family members?
Cal is the coolest Star Wars character.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III has turned 35
How many hours did it take you to stop caring about your wins and losses?