What robot character would you add? Most liked comment wins
What shooting character would you add? Most liked comment wins
What canine character would you add? Most liked comment wins
What fighting character would you add? Most liked comment wins
What axe wielder would you add? Most liked comment wins
What sword wielder would you add? Most liked comment wins
Who do you think will be the first character announcement and how will they do the trailer?
Super Smash Bros. Ambitous!
Let’s Make a smash game! Who’s fighter #10? Most upvoted comment wins!
What platform are people switching to from TikTok?
Money maker for f2p
Who’s your favorite?
Which characters’ moves would you revamp?
What video game is too easy on normal but too hard on hard?
I love dogs IRL but dog enemies in videogames is another story...
Im developing a game where because ambulance rides in america are so expensive you decide to take yourself to the hospital.
Which color would you add to the game?
You asked for it, you got it. Bananas with a Master Sword for scale, you Yiga heathans!
In the right hands, any character can kick ass.
How should Sonic The Hedgehog be improved for the next Smash Bros game?
What is the best item you’ve gotten in the fally party room?
Which is your favorite mini game?
What do you think the Highwayman’s backstory is?