Fluance RT82
Looking for feedback on my serve. Any tips are appreciated!
Arc or statics?
Kendrick Lamar - GNX
Immaculate Vibes
I was wondering why she was there! It all makes sense now!
Did I get scammed? Ordered Salad Days 10th Anniversary from merchbar Sep. 20th, still processing on Oct 25th.
Fw it?
Anyone have updates on the vinyls?
Huge amount of static
Rate my funk collection
I bought a Sumiko Pearl cartridge to replace the stock cartridge on my Audio-Technica AT-LP120XUSB turntable.
Your Favorite Record Store!
What are some must-have dollar bin albums
Is this a good budget player
Is it THAT easy to ruin a needle or a stylus?
What's the first album you ever bought? What's the story behind it?
It's taken me so long to unlock all the gold parts... I'm so glad I don't have to worry about time trials anymore.
Tour FAQ
Coping: Selling one of my favorite/rarest records. :(
Who are some artists with similar sounds to Mk.gee and Dijon?
how much did you buy your tickets for?
Olleh o/
You got used
Would you say these are worth it?