New qualifiers ceremony for those who have become IFoA fellows via mutual recognition
Age at qualification?
Which exam did you enjoy studying for the most?
Not paid to learn at work?
Address/phone number on CV
Accessing past papers on IFoA website
Switching to IFOA from Australian Institute as student member
Actuarial pay hasn't increased in TWENTY-FIVE years. The SOA is dead wrong about supply and demand, charts below
Pass rate for SOA FSA exams (April/May 2023 sitting)
Good at exams but not so good at work
Visa requirements to obtain an actuarial job in Australia
Strategies to improve my work performance
Elective courses selection: infs1001,math1003,mgmt1003,anth1002/1003,astr1001/1003?
CM/CS/CB Results Thread
Is full actuarial qualification still relevant in 2023?
Exam Results Discussion
FAM L exam review questions part 1 free
Percentage of actuarial students who obtain credentials?
Jealous of other people's success in the exams?
Conduct April 2023 exams - anyone heard anything?
Received Ai letter today for APRIL 23 exams :(