we might be going out of business
Coaxed into not being the cure for male loneliness
Chinese intelligence realizing they’re losing the propaganda war to American teenagers
This connector on Switch 2 will be key failure point
seems like they're obsessed
What would the reaction be if an American magazine made something similar to this about another county?
I’d watch this!
My wife joined the Suffrage Movement. 1900.
If Miss Pauling gave Australium to Administrator
I drew Antonin Artaud and his stand, Le Patron, in JoJo style.
My proposal for a U.S. peace flag - Inspired by the Russian anti-war flag.
Why are r/tf2 members so miserable?
removed from the main sub so i refugee here
Can’t even imagine what the future holds
Your "Daily Goon Sesh" is just you trying to rationalize your addiction, ya moron.
What if Rhodesia didn't suck?
Probably the best part of living in America
Our actions, no matter how small, have an impact. Very wise.
Welcome to the femosphere, the latest dark, toxic corner of the internet… for women
Chinese newspaper cartoon depicting USA as Gollum
I am fortunate enough to actually be born in San Francisco, despite neither of my parents having any U.S. citizenship to this very day.
what the fuck
Who killed the rave? Late-night dancing falls into global decline
Self-reflection? Not even once.