Walk-Off Balk
'Wayne's World' With Bill Simmons and Kyle Brandt
Nostalgia Fuel: Vintage Brett Favre moon rocket. 2002 Week 5 Packers at Bears. 85 yard TD to Donald Driver on MNF.
Out of Hank and his foursome of friends, which one of them is the worst friend?
The Rewatchables Drinking Game
My favorite quote so far.
I love how the Judge's supernatural like abilities never quite leave the realm of what's possible
[Highlight] Mark Andrews drops potential game-tying 2-point conversion
Tony's torn coat at the end of All Due Respect always bugs me. Anyone else feel this was exaggerated?
Warehouse Operations Manager
What was the most ridiculous crime anyone got away with in the series?
No one tells you about 30th AG
This is my dream movie, does anyone have any kino that might fit this vibe?
North Korean troops receiving Russian uniforms and equipment before heading to the front lines in Ukraine
Aurora in Scranton tonight?
Greatest off screen performances in cinema ? I'll start
The myth of the D-Day OPORD that will probably never die
Bug/Hack that captures all beacons?
Drump FINALLY said something that has my father rethinking his support...
Pixonic, please reconsider Denuvo Anti-Cheat.
All things considered, I'm OK with this one...
Glitch with operation D and E tasks
JOBA - volunteer or not
I tried to destroy a big shot today
of a chicken tender