The amount of heals I got in a 15 minutes competitive open queue game
What's one mythic skin you don't like/would like it to be different? For me it gotta be Cyber Demon genji
Ideas about decorations for this room?
Elon Musk backs US withdrawal from NATO alliance
I’m still 7/8 months from Malicos but I’m wondering, is this the best team comp for him?
Y'all have any fun team names?
Since it comes out in a month, are you actually excited
Pure nightmare
Trying to get design ideas for this right side, I’m not the best at building and not sure what to place
Top 7 Separatists I’d like to see added to the game.
What game is this?
Looking for guild
Legendary skins in Loot Boxes: a full list
What is everyone’s favourite piece of music from Ninjago? For me has to be the Temple of Light
As the prophecy foretold
Still the weirdest Mastery ever on a character in this game
Hero bans coming to competive
What is your most crashed into structure in Forza?
Reminder : Season 14 Drives are coming today
Name an unwritten Overwatch rule.
Hit 27 stars today as a 400m GP guild for the first time, how are we doing?
My account July 2023 vs Feb 2025
Nothing more satisfying, than you and your friends combining ultimate’s
How to use Great Mothers in GAC
Microsoft Rewards... How could you?!? This is just a temporary mistake r-right? (200 coin codes went from costing 1800 points to 2000 points)