Soi Fon (@HereIchika)
What do you think about them?
bought some games
Itagaki gave me this beautiful panel and then snatched it all away from me
Not all bankai's are made equally
How is it that Mega Man—Capcom’s 4th best-selling franchise—has been left to rust in obscurity, while we haven’t seen a new game in over half a decade?
Why does the show insist on showing people’s feet so often
If Yujiro is a 100, what is Baki?
How would the story have change if Musashi had cut doppo in half right here?
Brother from another mother
It also helps that ATLA is generally agreed to be a "lightning in a bottle" type show.
Is rubber flat supposed to free spin?
Build your team for 15$.Who do you buy?
How can I be more like baki hanma in real life (realistically)
can we get Symphony next season 3
It's amazing how well done this edit is. By másterarrowhead
Which character is this?
You’re Gonna Feel a Little Prick
bet that hurt…
4 Score and What the Hell?...
The Shock of the Queen - Tier Harribel (@matriix_heat)
Say what you will about the ship… but I honestly think they’re trying to set things up for Maria to have a crush on Alucard.
Laziness at it's finest