Cambridge bread!!! 🍞
Ladies of Reddit, what’s something a guy has done (intentional or not) that instantly made you think, “Wow, he’s different in a good way?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
Some finds of women in very beautiful dresses, circa 1880s and 1890s.
shaking. 5/5 bread
cambridge tmr
Cambridge Prayer
How is everyone doing?
I know the Oxford people are laughing rn
First Bread
Early Cambridge Bread !!!!
Appeal to help trace missing person - Oxford
Ai in personal statement
Why is everyone on this sub a genius
May I know if there is any opportunities to grab and show myself to universities I am interested in medicine without doing an EPQ?
thanks lincoln, i forgot i applied to you
KCL and Warwick Bread(3/5)
Favourite professionals of all time
Generally annoyed
Charlotte gave us great TV
Can anyone suggest a book I can get for an 11 year old boy that had an impact on you as a kid?
The Traitors (UK) S03E12 [FINAL]: Post-Episode Discussion Thread
I thought it’d be fun to do this before I become one of you. I’ll look back at this when I’m done reading and probably laugh. For now, you can be the ones to laugh