AliExpress allows fake seller to steal your info
Help against low vibration man
I just reported 2 Choice shops to the costumer service, for scamming
For us folks, how should we go about dating/intimacy/sex despite our circumstances?
Suspicious listings on AliExpress?
doctors note for a spondylolisthesis flare up?
Not much else
Where is the best place to live in Belgium ?
Working from home rant
The grass is not greener
What is the men / women ratio in neet population ?
NAVO-baas: “Investeer meer in defensie of bereid je voor op Russisch leren"
If you had an extra $100 what would you buy as a gift to yourself?
30M Ex wagie since July 2023. How is everyone?
Flirt with your seller
recumbent bike ?
Good morning wagie.
Microdosing psychedelics
Half wish I could be a neet (rant)
Is it me or people on govt assistance live better than most?
I died in 2017
Life is passing me by and I can’t do shit
Why don't we have a reddit for neets who want to date other neets ?