Ah sh*t, here we go again 😎
This is what the inside of a leatherback turtle's mouth looks like.
He comes out in the dark
r/Teenagers, let me check out your profile picture, and I'll give it a rating of 1 - 10! (NOTE: If you have a generic profile picture, I'll still rate you!)
Idk anymore
Just stay still it can’t see you
Who is this?
Living meat
Mr Freaky fingers
Can someone please tell me if this is a sin
I think I made the bunny mad…
Beware of Fog
Screw all the ratings bs, what instrument am I?!?!?!?!?!
Hallway Worm
Night Guest
What should his name be?
Can Someone Type Out What These Sound Like?
This is what teens should do instead of playing video game all day
what u doing
Try me.
Do your worst
Do I look ugly any advice?