What's your "I'm skipping this one" episode?
What did y’all get from the prehistoric parade pack?
First time reaching Dominator league, do I need to keep battling to stay in the league? Or does your rank not drop once your in a Leaque?
How do I obtain these 3?
You can teleport anywhere in a 5 kilometer radius
What doesn’t kill you…
Spotted this subtle error in an ad Reddit just showed me
Petition to buff every amphibians stats in the game by 900% or more minimum for health and damage so carnivores are rendered worthless and unusable
Just finished the pass now when do I unlock the Dracovenator?
99% of jwtg players quit before they win rajastega
What are some festivals I your world?
What do you guys do to cope with an unspent excess of D&D energy? :(
I’m probably not getting the hybrid when it comes out and I get s dna
I think I'll name him Epsilon.
New hybrid on my geometry notes?
Why do we have another monolopho unlock
What illogical things do you believe about your dice?
I just started playing. How am I doing so far?
If you were a real director of institute, and you need deal with BoS, Railroad and other factions of Commenwealth, what policies you bring and how overcome the threat?
Subway is now charging by the vegetable
realised that a few people dont know this, so here's how it works
Is there any hope for me?
If a exact copy of you were made would you be friends or enemies?
okay guys I think we can all go home now. no need to keep playing. let's just accept these results and move on. please.
Found a simple way to get Companions to carry more than their limit (Without Mods)