Retired RDH
Elon Musk admits email to government workers was a ruse
LOL-Got this email from my patient's daughter (she's a dentist?)
feeling really discouraged about scaling
General Milley
Recommend me a movie, something so bad it’s actually funny
Yall putting these on watch or restore?
One for history: Use ONE WORD ONLY to describe your feeling right now only hours before the U.S. is under the Trump 2.0 regime.
Troop got a DUI. What now?
For anyone else waking up this morning hurting, despondent, and full of fear - for any number of reasons - you are not alone. Hold onto hope, and hold onto each other.
RFK Jr. coming after fluoride now!
Different than 2016
Pennsylvania will not be yours Trump!
Jammer on Twitter: "Knocking on doors until developing ‘pneumonia’ and a blood clot in the lungs. If ever there was a story that summarized “new normal” that we’re forced to accept, this is it."
Treating OI Helping So Much!
Which subgroup?!?!?!
Covid vaccine booster
How do I know?
Covid Count?
Moving/ Can't rest like I should+PEM
Watching the Olympics has been hard on morale. I miss my active life. I miss pushing myself. More than anything, I wish I could be where they all are: over it. Living their best lives. Somehow immune to PASC. Or just lucky.
This makes me so angry.