Every Player has a Favorite Radio…
So was testing out Tachanka stuff & each Shumikha has a different projectile line-up(?)
Can you help Nighthaven? (Part II)
Can you help Nighthaven?
Can you spot the op? (Part XIII)
Can you spot the op? (Part XII)
Can you spot the op? (Part XI)
Can you spot the op? (Part X)
Can you spot the op? (Part IX)
Can you spot the op? (Part VIII)
Can you spot the op? (Part VII)
Can you spot the op? (Part VI)
Can you spot the op? (Part V)
Can you spot the op? (Part IV)
How to get on top of the Border Lockers…
Can you spot the op? (Part III)
Can you spot the op? (Part II)
Can you spot the op?
Why do Lion Mains do this...
"Do a Flip" Hostage Style
This Echo setup always brings me pleasure
Is there suppose to be a Battle Pass animation for Operation Collision Point?
Skopos has to be the coolest design ever in Siege
My friend says I was too close, but on the replay she sees the flash, why did it not work?
Remember Ela can be a solid Shield Counter...