Goes to see Mom, hangs w/ dad and brother instead
“You guysss its the WORST headache everrr”🙄
I don’t know… she is just acting so weird lately… now showing us NyQuil
Homestead era
Trying to figure out WHYYYY there's a 🌟 on her tongue??? 😵💫 you can see the white bumps still surrounding it too...makes me wonder if she did some sh*t while out of town 😬 slide and you'll see the other ✨️stuff✨️ on her lips she's clearly trying to hide with filters.
How is no one talking about her missing pick up at school!!
they are a different level of dumb and selfish
Trying to make it all about her 🙄
"See, I am a good mama. I do like my kids"
The lips are getting worse through this trip...
What in the world is this?
The filter is filtering 💀🤡
Too much Botox
Idk a thought here….
Your "friends" ... 🤣 LMAO, you mean the pathetic losers who you picked out of applications . Those are some REAL GOOD FRIENDS YOU GOT THERE, Miss PIGGY. Too bad you can't make friends naturally... nobody can stand you, you insufferable pig.
“I don’t want your SHEIN jacket.” …her “BeAuTiFuLLLL blue fur coat” looks spot on to aliE’s……🤣🤣
Ugh this woman..
WOW, everyone's jealous of this slut ... or so she thinks
Looking rough