Any “taller” short people on here?
Birthday alone, friends don't remember
I feel left out at school
Good hydrating concealers for dry skin
Need to vent
This guy is hilarious, he posted a new Lilly video 😂 OP’s Tiktok is @strang3mister (Kevin)
Am I the only one who thinks the forehead is bigger???
It’s so true though.
Do you wash your feet in the shower?
Can you guys guess my height ?
fav weezer song
Sad seeing our names taken
An app, but only for taller men
Are there any øther minøritiy Banditøs øut there?
why do so many water-based concealers have dimethicone as a main ingredient?
~fairy girl names~ from Pinterest
Do you think your bf has a say on whether you get an abortion or not if you get pregnant
I think my English teacher likes me (like a crush) 😨(pic unrelated)
Did This Fatty Just Buy Fake Driver License? 😭
Ladies, has swimming impacted your breasts?
What do you wear to bed?
What’s the most unsettling element about the world behind the door?
The whole I'd pick to be alone in the woods with a bear than a man is stupid
Monty Python trivia team name ideas