Type “I AM GRANDMA!” With your eye closed.
Inflation or Price Gouging??
please show me a plush that brings you a lot of joy!! ⭐️
Can someone tell me what this is in my sub?!
Bauhaus filming the music video for their cover of David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust. Photo by Fin Costello (1982)
Why do I keep getting bills?
I want a med/short choppy cut soon. Would it suit my face shape?
Searching for this shirt from early 2000’s
I will never eat at Subway again
Made some flavoured butter today did some lemon lime
Tuna is underrated
1 year post op 🪐
**Referral codes are here only** [sticky]
Stitches poking out hurt really bad
me and the gang 🥰🥰🥰 Who's your favorite character?
Christmas haul also where y'all getting the little beds and ladders?!
Finally got this today!
I’m likely a bot
Cell Phones at the Register
IKEA shelf with my favourites!
Parental fail
Painting Calico Critters
Why do people do this?