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Rock Island 1903
why does this even exist
Taken in Rutledge, GA at 6:25 PM Eastern on 2/28/25 see body text for more.
Golden shower? I prefer straw showers
Added 2 more rifles to the collection yesterday!
How it feels working with my first CNC
Fatal Crashes & Fatalities: Commercial vs GA vs Total - 20 Years of Data
HR 850 - Silencers Help Us Save Hearing Act (SHUSH Act)
What's the point of the AK-74U when the TAR-21 exists?
ID on camos of possible
How to address arguments of emotional appeal?
What’s the process for CCW in California? Is it a long wait? Is a good reason for having one is cause safety first?
Where do you guys go to get your milsurp stuff for a decent price?
Keep Chinese carrier or upgrade to real steel (Airsoft only)
Choose your FAL LARPer!
Should I be worried about the gap between the trigger guard and frame?
Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco is running for Republican Governor of California in 2026. He seems 2A friendly.
Hoping someone might could translate this possible name on my type 94 canteen
“Any traffic please advise” on CTAF
Mayor Lurie picks gun control activist Mattie Scott for police commission. Some advocates ‘shocked.’
I got AR500 stuff