I miss the good old days of wholesome trading and barter to get ahead financially in WoW…..
Pro tip for dps warriors to be more useful AND do more dps.
Least favorite vanilla wow zone and why? (Mine is desolace)
Why can’t we just feed AI all the science books and let it guide us through experiments or make new discoveries on its own?
How do I increase my character quality?
Anyone no longer able to vertical scroll?
Giveaway - Space Age Expansion
What would you do if you suddenly woke up as an 18 year old again??
Classic Era Warrior Tanking help!
My fellow gamers, what in your opinion is the greatest game trailer of all time?
Is there any reason to fight nether creatures?
500 Hours of play for 90,000 residents spread across 3 towns and two villages. I don't use zoning and place all the buildings one by one. My patience is sorely tested!
What would u put here?
If you could add one thing to CS2, what would it be?
Microsoft’s AI boss thinks it’s perfectly OK to steal content if it’s on the open web
Even as a highly enthusiastic gamer, it has become extremely rare that I get hyped for any AAA releases at this point.
Sometimes I see the stuff I build in CS and think it looks ridiculous, then I travel in real life
How long till 0.H?
CO Word of the Week #15
Hypothetical... You have one game to choose to be fully remastered.
ELI5: What is powering the Voyager 1? It has been travelling in the space for almost 50 years.
2024 Kia Niro EV lease (Canada)
Why are their daily/weekly totals always incorrect?
Starting to realize that very slow development is key for Skylines 2
Suggestion: Rural Residential Zoning