She F/32 slept with someone else and told me m/32 it’s not cheating because “I said I wasn’t seeing anyone. That doesn’t mean I can’t sleep with people”
Primaris inceptors instead of steralyzors?
Posted my Ferrus Manus conversion a few weeks ago - he is now painted!
Help me spend 170pts for my ironstorm list
Lancer, Vindicator, or Predator?
What’s currently wrong with admech?
First finished models, man I love the aesthetic of Ad Mech
Once more into the fray
Ferrus Manus conversion from Guilliman
Kardan Stronos conversion
If you play Space Marines: What are your auto-includes and why?
Trying to sneak Greyfax into my 1k list… advice welcome.
Gladius 2k all-comers list
How do you handle the mana curve for a deck with a cheap commander?
Is there such thing as to many studs
Who is Your Favorite Commander?
Sidar Jabari of Zhalfir deck help
Sidar Jabari Knight deck - feedback
r/EDH, I Need Your Thoughts on This New Browser-Based Life Counter
How do you play more removal?
When do you let "take-backs" happen, when you don't?
Friendly daily reminder that if you cheat in a casual game, you’re a low life piece of trash.
joined the kroot need ideas on how to custom an hammerhead
How do I (23M) address my girlfriend’s (22F) Fruit Ninja addiction? Its ruining our relationship.
Trying this out as a mostly kroot list