Lover or biter? [Sanford, FL]
Rooster, 2 years old, died suddenly tonight
How did you meet your spouse and where did you go on your honeymoon?
He's living the life he deserves
Which classic album (think 50s-80s), regardless of genre, should today's teenagers listen to at least once?
Did you go to your HS 50th anniversary?
Update on Rooster (necropsy results)
What's the most ridiculous thing you believed as a kid that you now realize was completely absurd?
Who's that one actor/actress that everyone finds attractive but you don't?
What is your dogs name?
Can someone recommend me a not so popular comedy movie that you personally think is good? Going through a tough time right now and I just need a little laugh.
My heart is broken. Good bye sweet Monty.
What's that one song that makes you tear up every time you hear it?
What was your first 45 record?
One movie people adore that you just don't understand the love?
What's something a lot of people find attractive but you don't?
What's the one movie that made you go: what the hell did I just watch?!
Anyone try?
What's your favorite "Old people" candy?
What's the most beautiful love song ever, in your opinion?
The Worst Movie You've Ever Seen?
The cut from Angela's pants to Michael Kors's face is perfection
What really fucks you up as you grow older?
Question for those whose home is always clean
Americans who don’t plan to watch the Super Bowl tomorrow night, what will you do instead?