State your type and answer these 10 questions
What is your MBTI and your favorite fictional character?
Tony was a Bad father
Aegon’s Conquest as made by the HOTD writers/D&D
As vezes penso que me matar séria a solução.
Queria achar alguém que curta incesto. (PARTE 2)
Intp men
How wonderful and heartwarming are the "I Luv INTPs" posts?
Alguem me explica esse choro todo? Pra mim ta igual essa porra, eles só parecem mais velhos, só isso... Tão comparando com o "Sonic feio", plm cara, ta a mesma merda. vcs acham que ta pior?
Worst single line of dialogue in Season 2
What do you think of season 4?
What's your best/worst season topic?
Why Are INFPs Considered… Less Than Intelligent?
Which Character got butchered/sublimed the most
I'm INTP 8w7, what's your type and ennergram?
Rhaenyra in CK2 AGOT vs Rhaenyra in CK3 AGOT (Post got deleted by CK3 AGOT Moderators)
Is he an INTP?
Meu namorado não tem desejo em mim
Me apaixonei por uma mulher da vida e me ferrei
Your thoughts on this?
How positive are you?
Why did the show wait so long before introducing Daeron?
He is back
What's your type and do you have a futuristic plan (from now to retirement) that contradicts itself? Or a plan at all?