Enemy melee knockback or just server issues?
Wish Riot would commit to the lore
I'm sorry this is a downgrade in every way
How is viable mage healing in sod dungeons, also warlock tanking/dps talent switching?
What champions had the highest and lowest winrates in history?
Do eu realms matter in latency / lag?
Is this how CS bajs felt when he used to play faceit?
PSA uninstall porofessor
Are the crownfall arcanas limited?
Finally, a challenge. Lee Sin hits the PBE with updated skins today
Truth/dream dragon invisible sword bug
Who do you guys think is the cringiest champ?
How difficult is it to give an ASU to a champion?
Varus' new voice is a bit quiet
Thresh legendary skin lost his one of two apperance's
Champions where you have to think ahead
Mid lane mains, how often do you get your role and what do you queue secondary?
Champion Insights: K'Sante
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Spirit Blossom Darius
Spirit Guard Udyr's run animation resets when E movement speed buff runs out
LoR Udyr Skin
new viego skin
Ashe's recommended items are no longer ADC items + a proposed balance change
About Udyr's lack of tatoos
Dear Blizzard, please bring back race specific animations !