Abusive relationships as an Autistic Woman
Welk beroep lijkt jou soms heerlijk?
Does anyone *not* want to experience the love of a child?
My F24 partner and I M24 have a cat who’s making me realize I don’t know if I want kids
I’m scared I won’t get a diagnosis
What things are sensory hell to you?
It matters who injects the botox
What is with the side effects of these drugs they want to put us on?
Do people diagnosed with ADHD and people diagnosed with ASD often get into conflict with one another?
My(20F) Boyfriend(27M) hasn't texted me in 2 days what to do?
ADHD and migraine?
In what ways do you manage the guilt of living for yourself/your audhd nature?
Why does being childfree always turn into being apart of the “village”
Day 1 on pixelfed.
Zijn er mensen die ervaring hebben met een vrijgevestigde psycholoog? En zou je het aanraden?
"You complain a lot"
BF doubted I was pregnant
Me (29F) I'm thinking to end my relationship with my bf (34M) because of lack of ambition from my partner
I think y'all were right about my husband
Autistic women in the workforce how do you cope?
Unpopular and maybe a cruel opinion: Parents do not have the right to regret their decision
Maybe I’m being too sensitive?
My partner is annoyed because I spread so much negativity
Husband has chronic daily migraines and we're struggling - please help!
What would you do in my [M 25] position if your GF [F 26] changed her mind about having children?