I only date guys over 6 ____.
My _____ has snapped like a carrot!
How is my own puppet state not in my faction
Is there any way to gaet america collapsed after 2acw?
What does this mean?
I was observing the world as Iceland, who I thought had no content, when I noticed that they have their own unique decisions.
We are intelligent people.
Go looking for Alexei in CS Go
Adding any Hoi4 Mod/Releaseable nation on this map, your own mods included, day 8 : Independent Provence in Japan
What YouTube doing?
Take your seat
Also me becoming a femboy-hyperborrea supreme leader
Nobody can match his aura
patriot front moment:
Totally unreadable
Warning: The following program contains scenes of graphic stupidity between lifelong friends who compete to _____ each other
I have a suggestion! We should allow pictures so we could ask ouija to caption memes so we can ____!!!
i think some kids are kidnapped there
God doesn’t exist.
Britain does what it wants
It begins
Rate my encirclement
Looks like a TFR portrait
Adding any Hoi4 Mod/Releaseable nation on this map, your own mods included, day 7 : Ainu Confederation