Hey Mr monk, i show you how its done.
What hobby or interest did you underestimate the amount of depth to until you had an SO who was into it?
Man falls for one of the oldest pub tricks.
Cocktail Chemistry- White Russian from The Big Lebowski
Imma touch tha fisheh (x-post r/touchthafishy)
What books have you picked up solely for their cover art and weren't disappointed
Kid needs help getting out of wetsuit
Stuffed Chicken Parmesan
What song has been your jam lately?
LPT: If someone is taking an eternity in the bathroom then just unplug the wifi router.
something something Wrigley's Doublemint Gum
9:30 a.m. on the west coast checking in! How is everyone else's day going?
What's on your nightstand?
To Be Read list - Do you have one?
What books have stood out to you as being notably original?
What's a piece of advice that isn't related to working out, eating right, or saving money?
I will draw your Reddit Usernames!
What screams, "I'm a tourist" in your town/city?
What book has made you laugh out loud?
What's the most recent book you walked away from ?
Am I the only one that has experienced this?
My full town in all its cluttered glory
Without saying your age, what is something from your childhood you remember, but a younger person wouldn't?
Tandoori Cauliflower
What's that thing that someone can do to have you lose all respect for them?