The matriarch of my Trilineatus shoal, Billie Holiday, is a polite lady. Always chews her food fully before going to the next piece
To small for eggs? (Fonger for comparison)
First tank build
Color of water in aquarium
My first tank! Would love some advice on cleaning the glass (hand me down tank from a friend)
HELP! Cory catfish not eating.
Petting my water puppies.
Is a 66 gallon / 250 liter tank big enough?
My Anubias is flowering
Lowering Nitrates
What do your corydoras love playing/interacting with?
Help! How do I get rid of the white hair-like filter sponge fibres from the glass walls?
My 81 Gallon Tetra/CPD Tank
I can't get this algae under control!!
My second aquascape - green nature tank
Help! My bristlenoses keep chasing each other!
Got some more Ivy from the ‘bando down the street.
To boil or not to boil
Upgraded lighting recommendations?
Proud of my 7-months Aquarium!
Two month update - carpet plant growth
Plant suggestions
Hardscape feedback?
Any advice / tips?