My (36M) conversation with my... friend? (36F)... Enjoy. It's a ride.
Feels like I dodged a bullet here
Am I crazy? I'm 37, she's 33. I feel like I'm crazy.
General Question..
Everyone’s naturally vibing… and then there’s Taylor being performative for the cameras.
Someone needs to check on this woman
I don't want to skip ahead.. but where is Yolanda?!
Hip Pain -stabbing sensation
Not a good week for Taylor and Travis 😂
Pain/Stabbing sensation in front of the hip/groin
Season 6 Repetitive Nightmare
Conflicted about Erika Jayne
David Foster Cringiness
Slow news week in Pakistan?
I'm sure this has already been discussed but ...
What is going on with Brandi?!
Waterfront Private Parties?
Bronwyn - new face or just different makeup and hair?
Which drugs did Kim Richards have an addiction to?
Your a moron my friend.
Bachelorette Party Ideas
Seriously what is going on with Kenneth Copeland? Is it drugs?
Changing Career to Teaching in NJ