I’m sick of “feminine energy” content
They totally yassified Momo
Just saw a post in another “lesbian” sub asking what size penis lesbians prefer.
Peoples weird assumptions and hate for Gold Stars?
This PS5 camera bug is diabolical
The reason why im extremely against having guy friends as a lesbian.
If you are about to post something with the word ‘men’ in the title..
did they give momo a makeover?
bidding farewell to da linlang ship
What's with people saying men (who look nothing like lesbians) look like lesbians?
Have you been in a situation where straight/bisexual women were lesbophobic to you?
The comments made my skin crawl.
NSFW girl problem
You’re not fucking valid for being a potential rapist and wanting to have sex with your lesbian friend
The lack of pink dresses
Writing Stories for Lesbians
Progressive Homophobia 🙄
Men in online women's spaces
we need more blings arthur
Let’s start some funny slang
infinity nikki
So sorry but I just CAN'T unsee it...
The new dress reminded me of Erika from Princess and the Pauper, so I tried to recreate this picture!
my attempt at replicating the upcoming banner
What have straight men said to you?
a warm day 🌹