MIMIRON: The Blizzard-API Discord bot now speaks your language!!
I created a CLI app in Rust to look up Hearthstone cards
MIMIRON: The Blizzard API-Based Discord bot is here.
Turkish Greenland
The New Syrian Flag
حدا بيعرف شو صار ؟
خلوكم من علمانية وإسلامية . كيف رأيكم مفروض العلم يتعلق لما يتعلق عمودي؟
My parents escaped Syria in the 70s and 80s. I am fucking ecstatic. Please do not let the decades long propaganda of the criminal regime cloud your eyes.
Monday Majlis | Open Discussion
-❄️- 2024 Day 3 Solutions -❄️-
Idiomatic nom solution for a simple problem
-❄️- 2024 Day 2 Solutions -❄️-
Parsing Hearthstone Deck Codes - normal vs nom.
nom implemented parser is demanding I use a static reference and I do not understand why.
Compare two decks with the Mimiron Discord Bot
The Hanging Gardens Problem - mucking around with Odin and (some) raylib
rustybuzz is now up to date with harfbuzz. (font shaping in rust)
Mimiron Discord bot celebrates its 1.0.0 release !!
Deck lists for the upcoming Twist season: Whizbang's heroes.
Kashida - helper library for Text Layout engines to justify Arabic (or general RTL connected scripts) properly.
[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 of 50 Whizbang's Workshop Pre-Purchase Bundles!
The gang is almost all here ...
is it "among" or "between", Blizzard?
Best flavor text so far. Made me har har.
My CLI app for Hearthstone Card look up now has batch deck images