Baby Girl First/Middle Name Combination
Good jobs for Single Moms
What is the number one destroyer of happiness?
What are the lamest excuses you heard a cheater say?
What is the most underrated skill that everyone should learn?
What is your biggest achievement?
What are some good health breakfast ideas?
If take a B vitamin complex in the morning how many hours per day do you feel it?
What is your favourite meal ?
Does your SO refuse to acknowledge their children’s mistakes?
Reason #2729282 I hate myself for choosing this life
What was a deal breaker in a past relationship?
My wife started the divorce process
What's the weirdest way you've been asked out before?
Should I marry him?
If you had to deecribe your country with just one word, what word would you choose without explicitly naming it?
what's your favourite movie?
dead beat dad
Women that used to be shy, what changed you?
One thing you wish you had in writing
He was always capable of doing it. I was just not worth it.
What do you enjoy as a comfort show?
What did your divorce cost you?
What are some life changing products you wish you found earlier?
Would you do it again?