When the ultimate gets cut off
Hi I'm James Sanger, I'm an artist developer, record-producer, songwriter 2.6b streams, 16x Platinum- Ask Me Anything!
"OH NO TRIPPLE SUPPORT IS UN FUN!" Try Six supports babyyyy~
38 year old KBM vs three young controller enthusiasts in Ranked
[The World After The End Ch.168] HELL YEAH
Vanguard mains, how do you counter the Canadian terrorist?
I painted my tiny bathroom green against all advice.
Ear training confusion
Where are the last two from the current top 10? We have 7.
Stamina help for boss fight
Close enough, welcome back Radahn
Ensnaring blast is actually gooodddd
Question about ensnaring blast
Solo queuing on console is actually torture
Who is your main and what is one tip for playing as and against your character?
Is Grandmaster hard or nah console
How hard is ranking up pc v console
If you're a DPS main, for the love of God, please learn Namor
Wanda slept on coz she’s easy
Groot walls + Anti heal will be deadly
Tips for 2.0 players that are stuck on 18/30 or 19/30 in TOA u can hit 21/30 or 24/30
Overworld Echo farm is trash
Need help to decide who to pull
Newbie to WW and gacha games in general.
Played every day since launch, reached the 300 pulls needed today without ever buying any regular master tape for polychromes. Did I miss any way to make it earlier?