medical school for international students
Title: Struggling in Germany: Looking for Advice
Is a Sublet apartment acceptable for the Ausländerbehörde (Cologne)?
All in - How much do you spend for one party?
i randomly snorted coke in a rave bathroom wtf
Mocro maffia
Where can I find season 6 English sub
Urgent: Need Advice on What to Do After a Friend May Have Been Assaulted
How much weight have you lost in a day with laxatives?
What's the worst thing your parents said to/about you ?
My Dad Walked Into the Bathroom... But Never Left
Temporary Rules Surrounding the October 7th Anniversary
Why hasn't Germany banned the Confederate Flag under Strafgesetzbuch section 86a?
Should I avoid applying to german universities considering the rise of far-right parties?
In germany
In the Berlin palace they say that there is some version of Islam that accepts homosexuality. I am worried that radical jihadists may execute these people even in Germany but I must admit that these people have more than enough courage.
Indian expat community
Germans and fat people.
Warehouse logistics specialist training
Wow I am an American Jew touring in Germany and I got slurs thrown at me.
Deporting criminals and other violent people
Why are the AFD politicians always angry?
Is my boss racist?
Should I stay in Morocco to scale my business or leave to Germany for a master's degree?