[Gen 3] Shiny lugia after 21636 Resets this finishes the lugia quest
[Gen 4] Female ! Shiny Squirtle in Pokemon Soulsilver🤗
[gen 7] Popplio!
[Gen 4] What are the chances of encountering a shiny and non shiny Miltank with magnet pull during the daytime in Heartgold at route 38?
[Gen 9] A cool find from com day meet Cinnamon the jumbo fuecoco
[4] Shiny Zangoose in just 608 encounters! Caught in the perfect ball too! ✨
[7] Shiny Bagon after 277 SOS encounters :)
[Gen 3] Shiny Rayquaza after 5876 RAs in Emerald for my Birthday 🎉✨
[Gen IV] It finally happened. After 15 phases (this was my longest phase ever at 23,696 REs) and a total of 121,342 REs, SS SBQ Member #16 finally joins the team!
[Gen 4] Shiny Shinx
[8] Dragoooooo
[Gen 3] Shiny pooch after 4336 Resets
[Gen 8] My fastest hunt after 38 eggs
[Gen 3] What are you guys hunting right now ?
[Gen 3] 580 resets later Shiny Female Adamant Torchic
[Gen 3] Phase 3 for torchic after 6348 Resets
[Gen 3] I was looking for a Volbeat for my Nuzlocke, but hey, I won't complain.
[Gen 3] Shiny Bagon after a whopping THIRTEEN phases!!! 97,470 RE Total 😭
[gen 8] shiny Mimikyu less than an hour in
[Gen 9] After 2,672 raids checked, I found my first shiny Tera Raid Pokémon✨
[Gen 3] Failed my first shiny at the safari zone after 6549 REs😅. Hunting for shiny Chansey!
[Gen VIII] shiny alpha... chimchar?!?! 254 map checks
[4] After 6 Years, the shiny Lake Guardians are all together. 🩷🧡💙