MAGA businesses to avoid in Valpo
Taste the Biscuit
20 months postpartum. Happy overall with my body but accepting the fact my chest won’t ever be the same 😢
Diagnosed ADHD and...
I’m mortified by how angry I got in front of my kids while fighting with my husband..
New parent here - what are some things that I'm going to be really annoyed by when my baby becomes a toddler?
What is the darkest book you’ve ever read?
Transition into a high lunge
AIO? I left my therapist for political reasons
Which signs?
And…. GO
Pisces moon/INFPs are basically the same thing :3
[deleted by user]
Which placement?
What religion do you connect with the most?
In the '90s, I remember old people actually being nice.
Prenatal Yoga Question
Charlie Kirk says if his 10 year-old daughter was raped he would want her to have the baby.
Activities for young family in Valpo, IN
Did my landlord doom our tree?
which sign is a sucker for another sign?
Which signs are in their own head a lot?
What's something "girly" you rejected during your NLOG phase, but now love?