Any tips for the late-late game?
I/I base defense lost... still got quite a few mstgs but how hard is it to recover?
Oh how i love mimic beacons
Five berserkers in a single pod, worst one ive ever seen...
What would you like to see in XCOM3?
The Alien Intelligence Has Bested Me
Thank you Exalt for single-handedly keeping the panic low
Diary of my recently failed impossible ironman, furthest i've ever made it yet
Never seen a ufo like this before
He is contained (i got in fine but cant get out)
The Art of The Deal
What are you supposed to do when relay placement fucks you over like this?
What should i do
Holy fatigue spiral time
Brutal/Ironman finally done
Settra does not serve - 503 turns later, VH/VH complete
I'm making a madness-inspired fan game
Education Choice : Game Programming or Game Art
Finally, after a couple weeks of trying i did it >:3
There is a story here...
Storing ice for drinks throughout a 3-day festival
Vanilla Expanded - Mechanoids question
Is it ... over? Am i finally free?
Oh you captured a few thousand years old psychic alien being who commands a vast alien armada? Here, have a few spacebucks and some wrench monkeys, 'kay?