I got my third Lord Proficiency, here's what I learned about Squirrel Girl
I got my second Lord Proficiency, here's what I've learned about Rocket
Well, you can't expect to win them all...
Exactly What I Asked For A While Back! Converting Chrono Tokens To Units If You Finish The Battle Pass Is Finally Here!
I got my first Lord Proficiency, here's what I've learned about Thor
Stop crying about "wrong bans", gain free rank by target banning
Why does everyone think they deserve a higher elo?
Are console players considered second class citizens?
If you are a cloak and dagger OTP, you need to learn another support by the time you hit high elo
I've Solo Queued To Grand Master In Both S0 And S1. These Are The Biggest Things That Helped Me.
Genuinely baffled by how bad some people are in plat.
For achievement tracking just in case anybody needs it
The Proper way to flame your bad teamates:
What is the worst rank and why is it Plat 1?
I’m just going to leave this here
If you’re gonna cry when someone uses a specific character, please just delete the game or dont play ranked.
Is it possible to get good at another character without taking a rank hit?
This game needs placement matches
This is my friend's profile. He went from Bronze 3 to Grandmaster 3 in just 8.4 hours of gameplay only on Thor
Night time really is elo hell if you solo queue
At what rank would you consider someone good at the game?
If you can't beat em, join em.
Should there be 'Rival' teamups?
The reason you're stuck is because you've been lied to about how far you can expect to progress.
Getting a kill before the round begins