PQ-mon : Nidoking, Charmander and PQ-chu
Blooded...but Tzteench!
Ban links to Twitter please.
The imperium of man uses green energy??? Are they woke????
Damage-typo in the Aquilon Gunner's (german) datasheet?
Unit name
No need to thank me
This 4th Wall Break Gets Me Everytime 😂
L'Atelier de Jeux : trop cher pour vos parents depuis 1975
Need help identifying a bit
My daughter's first (she's 22 months old). I'm really proud and impressed!
Blooded - Dark Favour versus Blast
Eldar wifu NSFW (suggestive)
Would or could any terminators wear Mk 7 or other helmets?
My first scratchbuilt terrain
WIP belakor, need to do some touch ups on the chains, base, and some skulls. I might even change the whole colour of the sword, but for now I’m happy with how he’s turning out
Ork Meganobz Kill Team
WIP of my renegade Penal Legion guard, Cellblock 26 and Cellblock 4. Lots of people find religion in prison
Restore the King
Ripperjacks look like dangerous beasts
Daemon Prince of Khorne, C&C welcome
Finally finished these two old pals from Dark Vengeance ! The Chaos Lord sculpt is gorgeous imo
It's a fine day to Bear the Word
GP's Heal match the exact same frame and damage than my auto attack