Getting back into Rust is HARD
Quitting right now forever
Need help in making a decision
Need help making a decision
What are the best RPG games to play
What is your biggest 'sleeper' game?
Season 3 Men
Any addicting games that you can't stop playing?
this is just...damn this is fucking horrible
The nightmare that is Canada's Maple Lodge Farms, self proclaimed 'wholesome family farm'
How to deal with my (37m) wife (35F) who keeps touching my nipples against my wishes?
So this is what they think of women huh?
This year, I’ve been rejected close to 30 times irl
1st game on humbled me ngl
What are these yellow bars?
Birthday Chalk Mural
I just watched Edgerunners for the first time
Does anyone else find the game a bit...overstimulating?
Games where you play as a badass
I am new and really addicted
Garrosh looked absolutely incredible in this cinematic, and it's over 10 years old
Anyone else think that corvo is sexy as hell? It can’t be just my bi ass thinking that!
How does female breast milk taste?
GPU usage doesn't reach 100%
I was gonna finally play Dishonored but found out about the Lady Boyle stuff and now I just feel super uncomfortable about the game