How do i stop panic crouching?
Guess my rank
Do I get the Immo gun buddy?
(Unrated) ace with the new bundle *kinda
probably my worst matchmaking so far
Why do pros do this?
Smurfs made me quit
I'm tired, at what point did they unlock the normal 5 star shop? It's been over 3 years and I still can't get it.
I got new technique 🤓
Played against this fella who turned aimbot on with his cloudstrike cause he started losing a trials game against us. Friend has some clips too. Any way we can make sure he gets the Banhammer? In-game reporting doesn't seem to do anything.
My Hand Cannon Has TOO MUCH Aim Assist? MnK btw
Do not turn on your full auto melee! It will mess up your eager edge sword skate! I just found out about it
Is my game bugged or did bungie change their system
I cloudstruck myself somehow.
Guess I’m not gonna play the final mission for a while
(NA/Console) master push?
[NA/Console] 2 for master push
looking for people to push for master
Diamond 3 looking for a squad
Any Friday night Funkin fans in the Lost Pause reddit?
Help with Belian Ep3, 10-10 please
How do I get this beauty?